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Best Short Stories © 2024

Polar Bears And Global Warming

(Reading Time: 00:51)
Polar bears are very large bears that have flat feet made for walking on ice and digging. They have thick water proof fur for swimming. The size of a male is anywhere from 800 to 1500lbs. The size of a female is around 300 to 500lbs, which is almost a third of the weight of the male. Polar bears are carnivores and eat mainly seas and small whales. Polar bears have become known as an endangered species. Some threats to the life of a polar bear are habitat loss, pollution and global warming. Global warming is the main cause, due to the rising temperatures of the globe it is causing the sea ice and ice caps melt especially during the most active months of the polar bears' lives, the summer months. This causes the polar bears to have to swim further from place to place in search of their meals. This can be dangerous depending on how much a hungry polar bear's body can take in the polar water. When food is unavailable to the polar bear they will eat pretty much anything that they can catch and kill in sight. Ways you can help the polar bears trace back to ways that you can help stop global warming. Polar bears are far from the only species that is effected by global warming... Let's do our part so that we can help them become one less.

Global Warming Short Stories Animal Stories 
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