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Best Short Stories © 2024

Kaz's Story

(Reading Time: 00:42)
I really fell for this guy. He was wonderful for the first 3 months, but then he changed and became very controlling.

He didn't allow me to talk with friends freely, and would throw and break things if I did.

He told me I was a b*tch, he spat on me and hit me.

On one occassion I was bedridden for 2 days from this and made excuses to people about how I was injured. He pulled a knife and stabbed my bedding, threatened me with objects, drove the car at high speeds with me in it - and always, always it was my fault.

I began to believe that it was my fault and felt like I was in this rollercoaster that I couldn't get off. I spent every day crying until finally enough was enough and I left. Still he came and begged me to give him another go and I did, but it wasn't my choice to be in the relationship.

We didn't live together again and I started to go out with my friends more and more.

I found that I really was so much happier and better without this person in my life.

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