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Best Short Stories © 2024

Steven The Nerd

(Reading Time: 03:36)
Let me tell a story about Steven. Steven is one of those nerd kids that doesn't seem to be popular at school. He loves robots and is amazed by their development. He is 18 years old and has never had any friends or girlfriends.

While all the other kids are going out to the clubs and hanging out, he sits at home and plays with his robot friends. He learned to code and made his first robot when he was only 12 years old. Steven is often being told by his family and school mates that he should grow up and do something else besides building robots and playing video games.

The only one who supports him is his little sister Dorothy who loves to watch the robots do something new every day. Dorothy likes to give names to the robots and they are her Barbie dolls. Steven would make them and she would take care of the clothing designs.

Steven is excellent at school and all the teachers loves him. However, this is not the case with his classmates. They always think that Steven wants to show off, because he knows the answer to every question. In his freshman year in high school, he is often bullied for his answers on the tests.

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Steven The Nerd

Let me tell a story about Steven. Steven is one of those nerd kids that doesn't seem to be popular at school. He loves robots and is amazed by their development. He is 18 years old and has never had any friends or girlfriends.

While all the other kids are going out to the clubs and hanging out, he sits at home and plays with his robot friends. He learned to code and made his first robot when he was only 12 years old. Steven is often being told by his family and school mates that he should grow up and do something else besides building robots and playing video games.

The only one who supports him is his little sister Dorothy who loves to watch the robots do something new every day. Dorothy likes to give names to the robots and they are her Barbie dolls. Steven would make them and she would take care of the clothing designs.

Steven is excellent at school and all the teachers loves him. However, this is not the case with his classmates. They always think that Steven wants to show off, because he knows the answer to every question. In his freshman year in high school, he is often bullied for his answers on the tests.

motivational stories about nerds

A popular kid, Jason would always insist they change their tests at the end of the class so he could get an A and for Steven to get an F. Steven would always get away with it, because he knows every answer and all he needs to do is to say that he wasn't feeling very good, so his test results came out terrible.

The teacher would give him another test and he would get an A, but that is not the problem.

He feels humiliated and under-appreciated. He feels like he has some chains around him and he can't break free. He can't wait to finish high school.

When his wish comes true and he finishes high school, he makes a robot that gets him a scholarship to Cal-Tech. He is happier than ever. Not because he could learn new things or better himself at his skills. Steven is the happiest because for once, he would have friends and possibly, a girlfriend.

When he is in college, he sees that there are at least 50 other kids with the same skills and even some that are better. He feels depressed and alone again. It is like no one ever really appreciates him for who he is. College is okay. Not as good as he expects, but it is surely better than high school.

Years after, Steven's life takes a big turn. Everything he believes in and is trying hard to accomplish becomes a reality. Who says dreams can't come true? All the hard work and the time Steven invested in learning about robots has paid off.

Somewhere at the end of Steven's final years of college, a big company offer a him a job. Steven is smart enough to know a once in a lifetime chance is given to him. So of course, he accepts the job.

He starts working on an advanced robot. Steven's hard work and knowledge in high school proves to be extremely important and helpful. He works extremely hard and it takes him a very long time to finish the project.

But in the end, he is the first person to build a super robot, which is found to be extremely helpful for everyone, all around the world. Steven becomes a successful and prominent young man, whose life is only going to get better from now on.

Things do become even better for Steve. During his work on the robot, Steven meets a wonderful person. She becomes a great part of his life. They get married and they have wonderful little robot-making children, and a lifetime full of happiness and love.

Dorothy is one of the few people who believes in Steven and it inspires him. He is most grateful for that.

Sometimes he would tell her that her support was what got him through some of the hardest moments in high school. And he would thank her for being a wonderful sister. He would thank her for helping him believe in himself and become what he is today.

So, who says dreams don't come true? Who is there to say you can't do what you enjoy and believe in yourself? There is no one standing on our way to success, but ourselves.

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