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Best Short Stories © 2024

A Blood Stained Planet

(Reading Time: 01:49)
I step into my new world, this new place. The light on this new exotic planet dazzles me. The ash has settled after the war. The war we won. The war we started. The war I'd been born into. The tears now dried, the dead swept away. Now I am here to live where so many had died.

In old horror films we had invasions from other planets. Unearthly monsters coming to earth terrorizing our homes, killing our loved ones, destroying our world. In reality this invasion turned us, humans, into the monsters that had scared our children and given them nightmares. In this war, on this planet, it happened.

We were the invaders. We claimed we came in peace. We claimed to be friends. As we found out not everyone was waving the white flag. Our own government planned another civilisations doom, while the rest of us shook hands and made friends.

This planets fate was now set in stone, the events that led to this empires fall were in motion. There was no stopping the human race now. An assassination, an argument, a sentence, a war, a war that would shape our future forever.

The war was extensive. We had the advantage, the advantage that would lead us to victory, the advantage that would lead us to cause genocide. We were fighting so vigorously we forgot our principles, our empathy, our mercy we lost ourselves as a species. Our darkest and most savage instincts took over and we may've won the war but we lost our own humanity, we forgot what it meant to be human.

In the last years of the war, once things started dying down again, we found ourselves again. It was hard for those who had been in the battle field, many never recovered. New government came in, the planet had been cleared up and everything was "fixed" but scars remain.

I was born in the last years of the war. Many humans stayed on earth yet so many died in the war. My father had been killed as had my aunt. My brother survived but had been driven mad by what he had seen. It tore my mother apart. She stays on Earth, while I wanted to come see this world, the killing fields, where so many had fallen. We had found this planet trying to find more room from our over populated world, now since the war, we have more room.

I'm one of the few people coming to this new planet to live. Many can't handle going were their loved ones had perished. I don't know why we had to fight those who had once lived on this calm planet. Why couldn't we have had harmony? Why was it always war? Even on this planet, this beautiful planet, from looks it is worthy of its name alas by its history of blood lust it is a tactless name, Utopia. A blood stained planet with a new future, at peace, for now.
-Amy Robertson

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